Archive for month: August, 2020


In the beginning of 2020, we were guests of the Solarplay company in Monza, supporter of our projects for some years, becoming protagonists for a day organized by the company to raise awareness to employees and internal collaborators about our organization and activities, as well as the projects we share in Senegal.

We left nothing to chance, planning the morning in detail: the first theoretical part, with our reports from Africa and the videos on the Corporate Social Responsibility projects supported by the company, the second part on “practical” activities , with a workshop led by our team where the corporate stakeholders have made their own solar lamp with their hands.

“However, we had not foreseen the deep and genuine interest generated in our interlocutors, with numerous enthusiastic questions and observations of the projects that their own company supported.”

We found ourselves talking about when we got stuck under a baobab for hours because the local project manager had forgotten to pick us up at the end of a workshop, so as strategies we have to invent every time to fix solar panels to roofs.

We explained how the base of each streetlight must be able to prevent and resist to goats and various other animals from knocking down the pole with their head and have answered all the questions and curiosities that have been made to us.

“In sharing knowledge, the challenge is always to bring together two different worlds unknown to each other. In African rural areas as in the company.”

At the end of this experience we understood h sow powerful stakeholder engagement is when it comes to sharing knowledge which the companies are using to work on the corporate culture of their stakeholders, making it increasingly oriented towards the idea of ​​sustainability they want to convey.


When we started to work with university classrooms about our projects at the end of 2018, we did so with the Polytechnic of Turin, on the occasion of the PoliTo Design Workshop, an academic week in which students of different courses can choose to participate in thematic workshops of their interest.

In the workshop led by us, we talked about the different impacts that our projects can generate locally and how a systemic vision is essential for working in development cooperation. We shared our projects and our work processes with the students and received in exchange a lot of interest and motivation to deepen the topics and above all to move from theory to practice.

“We gave the students a challenge: how to communicate a social business in a rural African area?”

Shortly thereafter, we would have gone to Senegal to conclude a project with the Solarplay company, which would also have funded an international trip for the group of students who have best achieved the assigned task.

The students set to work immediately: at the end of the week, the challenge was won by the group made up of Simone, Luca and Andrea who would soon leave for a completely new adventure.

“The beauty of working with young students in a stimulating place like the University has once again been putting different worlds in communication.”

Sharing our work was an opportunity to inspire and be inspired, putting our projects at the center and thanks to them reaching the most rural and remote areas of the world, starting from a university classroom at the Politecnico di Torino.


Since 1956, the ADI (Industrial Design Association) has brought together designers, companies, journalists, critics, researchers and teachers around the themes of design: design, consumption, recycling, training.

Two years later ADI established the “Compasso D’Oro” award, the first recognition in Europe for the Design sector. From then on, the award acquires ever-increasing prestige up to the present day, where it represents an institution for the recognition of applied talent and creativity.

The 2017 edition of the award saw the nomination of nearly 800 projects, but only 204 of them were selected by the ADI Permanent Design Observatory. Among the proposals admitted to the prize, the solution shown by Liter Of Light Italia has been included in the category “Design for social”.

Thanks to the collaboration with the Architect Simone Gori, the simple, recyclable and replicable structure of the Liter Of Light solar lamps has managed to reduce to the essential an instrument that, in some areas of the world, from inaccessible becomes an everyday object to those who benefit from it

We are clearly referring to the social implication that the initiatives and technologies of Liter Of Light bring in the contexts of energy poverty and rurality.

Lorenzo Enrico Nicola Giorgi (Executive Director Liter Of Light Italia) and Simone Gori (Designer)

These characteristics, combined with the open-source nature, the repairability and efficiency of the lamps, were decisive for accessing the “Compasso D’Oro” Award, having in 2018 the privilege of the “Honorable Mention” by the ADI’s Standing Committee of Observation and to enter into the “Historical Collection of the ADI Compasso d’Oro Award”.

The result obtained, with the super- low technological contribution required by the Liter Of Light lamps, underlines how simple inventions can generate a large-scale impact.

The difficulties generate creativity, and sometimes suggest game-changing solutions; from the favelas of Rio De Janeiro to more than 20 countries, the Liter Of Light solution passes through Italian Design to return, enriched, to the south of the world and to rural life, with the purpose of giving light to the darkest corners of the World. Step by step.